Sunday, December 29, 2019

Physics of Aikido Essay - 2127 Words

Aikido is the martial art that focuses primarily on redirection and control of ones opponent (uke. Pronounced OO-kay). This consists of a set of throws and holds which are intended to subdue and control an uke without permanently harming them. On a spiritual level, Aikido is focused on bringing harmony of the body into harmony of others. Roughly translated Aikido means The Way of Harmony of the Spirit which holds true today, though different schools place different emphasis on the spiritual aspect. Aikido was first created approximatly 80 years ago by Morihei Ueshiba, and took a great many techniques from Jujitsu, Judo and Kenjutsu and modified them. Ueshiba focused on forming a martial art that placed a great emphasis on moral and†¦show more content†¦Highly related to Judo, an art which also seeks to rob an uke of stability, Aikido incorporates many other martial arts as well, all of which contribute to the basic idea of unbalancing your uke by using their own energy against them. Equally important to making an uke unstable is retaining your own stability. A great deal of emphasis is placed upon the ability of an Aikidoist to stay centered. In terms of physics, this is the control over the location of your center of mass. The movement of the center of mass from within ones body to a point where that person is no longer in equilibrium is the reason why people fall down. Well take a closer look at how an Aikidoist manipulates his own center of mass, and the center of m ass of others to perform techniques. Newtons Laws All three of Newtons laws can be applied to Aikido and the techniques therein. Lets take a look at them one at a time. 1) An object in motion tends to remain in motion. An Aikidoist realizes that an object moving in a direction will probably continue in that direction. A giant thug charging at you is not going to be stopped easily, so why bother stopping him? By simply getting out of the way, and avoiding the attack an Aikidoist has already begun a technique. Certain techniques take advantage of the fact that a body in

Saturday, December 21, 2019

What Are Mental Prisons Or Unnatural Fears, And The...

83. What Are ‘Mental Prisons’ or Unnatural Fears, and The Process of Liberation? †¢ People of modern age suffer from anxiety disorder the regular emotion of Anxiety which can be described as a subjective unpleasant state of inner turmoil, feeling of dread associated with anticipation of real or imaginative frequently accompanied by nervous demeanor, somatic discomforts, and rumination. Anxiety which is state of uneasiness, worry and over-reactivity with regard to a situation only perceived as menacing, is NOT IDENTICAL with Fear, which is complex relatively proportional and appropriate mobilizing or paralyzing reaction on correctly perceived genuine and immediate threat. Regularly anxious person compulsively focuses on the symptoms of own†¦show more content†¦Animals become proportionally fearful only in genuine life-threatening situations and are instinctively engaged in an attempt to avoid or reduce danger level. If animals cannot avert a danger or prevent attack occurrence, they express audibly a cry of terror, which is kind of automatic prayer t o Providence for assistance, and help is received on the psychic plane. As Martinus pointed out in multitude occasions, the Psychic Help is of tremendous relevance to animals in the specific transition moments and Day-Consciousness transfer into Spiritual World after Physical Death especially in slaughterhouses where horrified animals experience the passion of pathological killers. Incontestable fact is that animals are FREE from FEARS once the real danger is over, and in general terms have a courageous and animated attitude towards Life. †¢ Dissimilarly, Terrestrial Humans lack both the courage to embrace Life and the crucial factor which influences and promotes health happiness – relationship with Godhead. Regretfully, due to the state of massive Cosmic Ignorance a person is not aware of the Existence of PSYCHIC LIFE SAVER, the fact that Human Animals also have ‘Guardian Angels’ – the ‘assigned’ Spiritual Beings always ‘on duty’ to assist when Prayer is sent out. The Irrefutable Cosmic Truth suggests that no a Living Being with the active status of Day Consciousness is without a Spiritual ‘Sentry’

Friday, December 13, 2019

Rhetorical Modes Free Essays

Associate Program Material Appendix C Rhetorical Modes Matrix Rhetorical modes are methods for effectively communicating through language and writing. Complete the following chart to identify the purpose and structure of the various rhetorical modes used in academic writing. Provide at least 2 tips for writing each type of rhetorical device. We will write a custom essay sample on Rhetorical Modes or any similar topic only for you Order Now |Rhetorical Mode |Purpose – Explain when or why |Structure – Explain what organizational |Provide 2 tips for writing in | | |each rhetorical mode is used. method works best with each rhetorical mode. |each rhetorical mode. | |Narration |The purpose of a narration is |Narrations are usually best told in |First ask yourself if you want | | |to tell stories. Narrations can |chronological order. Chronological order is |to write about fiction or | | |be factual or fictional, either |the order in which events are told from |non-fiction. | | |way, they should engage the |beginning to end. Start with a strong | | |readers emotionally. | |introduction to hook your | | | | |readers. | | |An illustration clearly |The structure that works best with an |First decide on an interesting | |Illustration |demonstrates and supports a |illustration is by order of importance. Order|topic. | |point through the use of |of importance is the organizational method |Gather evidence that works in | | |evidence. |that arranges ideas by order of importance. |conjunction with your subject | | | | |and also engages the audience. | | | | | | Description |The purpose of description in |Descriptive essays are best told by spatial |Choose a subject that you wish | | |writing is to make sure the |order. Spatial order is the arrangement of |to describe, such as a person, | | |readers are fully in tune with |ideas based on physical characteristics or |place, or event. | | |the words on the page. appearance. |Fill every part of your essay | | | | |with full vivid sensory | | | | |details, which include alll of | | | | |the five senses. |Classification |The purpose of classification is|Classification essays are organized by its |Choose a topic you know a lot | | |to break down wide ranging |subcategories. It begins with an introduction|about. The more you know about | | |subjects into smaller, more |that introduces the broader topic and then |a topic the easier it will be | | |specific and manageable parts. |the thesis should include how and why the |to break down into groups. | | |topic is divided into subcategories and why. |Make sure you break down each | | | | |topic into three different | | | | |ways, it will help you to think| | | | |more originally . |Process |The purpose of process analysis |A process analysis essay is usually organized|You want to choose a topic that| |analysis |is to explain how something |by chronological order. The steps of the |is interesting, complex, and | | |works and how to do something. |process are told by the order in which they |can be conveyed in a series of | | | |occur. |steps. | | | |Choose a process that you know | | | | |well enough to describe the | | | | |finer details in each step of | | | | |the process. |Definition |The purpose of a definition |A definition essay is organized by opening |Choose a word or phrase complex| | |essay is to define a topic in a |with a general description of the term you |enough to write a bout at length| | |detailed and informative manner. |are defining. Then, you use your definition |or of personal revelance to be | | | |of the term as your thesis. You should also |considered engaging and | | | |use details and examples for the body, and |interesting. | | | |then tie in all the elements of the term and |The context of the term affects| | | |reinforce your thesis to conclude your essay. |the meaning and the definition. | | | | | | | | | | |Compare and |The purpose of a compare and |Compare and contrast essays can be organized |The thesis should clearly | |contrast |contrast essay is to analyze two|by the subjects themselves, first one then |convey why the subjects are | | |subjects that either compares or|the other, or by their individual points, |being compared or contrasted | | |contrasts them or does both. |which discusses each subject in regards to |and what will be learned from | | | |each point. |it. | | | | |Use phrase of comparison or | | | | |contrast to let readers know | | | |how the subjects are being | | | | |analyzed. | |Cause and |Cause and effect essays |There are two key ways that cause and effect |Choose an ev ent that has an | |effect |determine how various events |essays are organized. The first way is by |interesting cause and effect | | |are related. |beginning with the cause and then the effect |relationship, and introduce it | | | |or vice versa, you can begin with the effect |in an engaging way. | | | |and then the cause. Clearly explain and support the| | | | |causes and effects you discuss | | | | |with a wide range of evidence. | |Persuasion |The purpose of persuasion is to |A persuasion essay is made up of five |A thesis that clearly conveys | | |motivate, convince or sway |features. The first feature is the |the opinion of the writer in | | |readers to a certain point of |introduction and thesis. The second feature |clear, consise terms makes for | | |view or opinion. |is opposing and qualifying ideas. a better argument than one that| | | |The third feature is strong evidence in |is vague. | | | |support of the claim. |Be careful of the use of I in | | | |The fourth feature is the style and tone of |your writing, because it can | | | |the language you are using. Lastly, is a |make you seem overly biased and| | | |compelling conclusion. |it takes away from the topic at| | | | |hand. | How to cite Rhetorical Modes, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Sportsmanship free essay sample

One big aspect of sportsmanship, Is that It shows the love that an athlete has for he sport he or she plays. Whether a team wins or loses a game, by simply shaking hands you show good sportsmanship. When the loser tells the winner good game, and congratulates them, not only does this show that this person has been playing this game for a long time, but also that this person has respect for anyone involved in the sport. The same can be said for the winner. If the victor shows respect for the loser, the loser in turn will respect them. No matter how bad a team are beating a team, If a team keeps the score reasonable and keep negative comments about the there team to yourself, you are being a good sport and showing respect to the other team. Believe it or not the other team will notice this, and realize that you respect them, and this will only make them respect you more. We will write a custom essay sample on Sportsmanship or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Another big controversy in sports is why are players penalized for celebrating, after scoring a goal, making a big shot, or scoring a touchdown? The answer to this question Is not an easy one.When one scores, or make a big play, a player has every right to be happy, and excited, but there Is a point at which the player could cross a nine, and they begin to taunt and disrespect the other team. That is the main reason one gets penalized for excessive celebration, because it is unsportsmanlike to taunt and disrespect your opponent. A player, must learn to be modest, and learn to act like he or she have been there before. One of the biggest words In the definition of sportsmanship Is fair. In every sport, there are players who do not go by the rules and in some way, give themselves a leg up in the competition.A big way athletes do this is by doping, and taking illegal drugs, such as steroids. When players do this, they are cheating. Other players in the league, and on the team have worked hard to get where they are. When players take illegal drugs to give themselves a boost over the competition, it is the biggest sign of disrespect to any sport, or game one plays. This shows that you have become so obsessed with winning, someone will do anything to make sure he or she does not lose. Thats not what sports are about. As children we were taught that soccer,football, baseball, were all games and you want to win, but the most important hinge is that a sport is fun! As you get older things get more competitive and athletes start to lose sight of why they started playing in the first place. To have fun! This is one thing that all athletes need to remember. Sportsmanship is one of the key elements In sports. A team has to be able to win shaking hands. Sportsmanship can be applied anywhere in life not Just in sports. Whether competing for a Job, a promotion, etc. If you are a good sport about it people will have the up most respect for you.